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SISbayes 2017 is the first Workshop organized by the permanent working group on Bayesian Statistics of the Italian Statistical Society.
SISbayes main goals are:
To promote and coordinate applied and theoretical research in the statistical field
To encourage and organize specialized sessions and ad hoc tutorials at national and international statistical meetings
To disseminate Bayesian ideas and methods among young students and scholars in both Statistics and other fields.
To foster the application of the Bayesian paradigm in science, industry, business, finance, and official statistics.
The workshop will consists of:
Two tutorials delivered by prof. Alessandra Guglielmi (Politecnico di Milano) and prof. Michela Cameletti (Università di Bergamo)
Five invited sessions
A Contributed Poster presentation session followed by a Poster exhibition.
SISbayes 2017 is hosted and financially supported by Sapienza Università di Roma.
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